Georg August University of Göttingen

14 – 18 September 2025


Submission deadline: January 30, 2025 (extended)

We are pleased to invite the geoscience community (in the widest sense) to submit session proposals to the following main themes, reflecting the conference name, and to spread this Call for Sessions across their networks.


  • Earth and beyond: Planetary science, geodynamics, geology, landscape dynamics, petrology, geochemistry, marine science
  • Life: Paleontology, geobiology, habitability, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, biomineralogy, environmental science, land use
  • Climate: Climate change, climate mitigation and adaption, climate models, cryosphere, oceanography, climate archives, extreme events
  • Resources: Mining, critical raw materials, energy transformation, mineral deposits, hydrogen
  • Materials: Crystallography, applied mineralogy, mineral physics, mineral groups
  • Application: Hydrogeology, radioactive waste storage, geothermal energy, CCUS, archaeometry, geohazards, geoheritage
  • Crosscutting Methods: (Big) data analysis, data management, modelling, GIS & remote sensing, field and laboratory analytical techniques, drilling, geochronology, imaging techniques
  • Early Careers: Pre-Icebreaker, young scientist session, SECRET, Career paths
  • The Public: Geoscience in school, geoscience education research, museums, care and preservation, knowledge transfer, dialogue, geoparks
  • Open Topic

Please note:

Each session requires a minimum of two conveners. We encourage that for each session at least one early-career professional be included as convener.


  • Provide a title, a list of at least two conveners including contact information, and a short description of your session (max. 250 words).
  • Select the appropriate theme(s) for your session. We particularly encourage sessions covering more than one theme. You can choose as many as three.
  • Suggest a keynote speaker if desired. Let us all aim for a diverse group of keynote speakers! We will apply for DFG support to help cover their travel and accommodation costs. This support is only available for foreign keynote speakers (not for German citizens abroad!).

Submit your session now



Call for volunteers

Call for Sessions
(extended until January 30)



F&U confirm

Permoserstraße 15

04318 Leipzig | Germany

Phone: +49 (0)341 6025 1828

geo4goettingen2025 (at)