Georg August University of Göttingen

14 – 18 September 2025


We are excited to invite you to Geo4Göttingen 2025, a unique joint conference hosted by the University of Göttingen on 14 – 18 September 2025 in collaboration with four leading scientific societies: the German Geological Society (DGGV), the German Society for Geomorphology (DGGM), the German Mineralogical Society (DMG), and the Paläontologische Gesellschaft (PalGes). This group of four mirrors the composition of Göttingen´s Faculty for Geoscience and Geography but does not constrain the scope of the meeting. We are organizing the conference in close cooperation with the Umbrella Organization of Geosciences in Germany (DVGeo) and aim for the event to cover a wide range of topics, from outer space to crystal lattices and from deep time to femtoseconds. Under the theme Geo4Change - Earth, Life, Climate, Resources, Materials – this conference will highlight some of the most pressing challenges of our time and discuss interdisciplinary solutions.

From the dynamic changes shaping our planet to the critical resources that sustain life, we are at a pivotal moment where science must rise to meet global environmental, societal, and technological demands. This year's event is designed to foster collaboration across geosciences, emphasizing innovative approaches to the complex problems we face—whether they relate to climate change, sustainable and innovative use of materials, or the future of Earth's ecosystems.

Join us in Göttingen for inspiring discussions, cutting-edge research presentations, and the opportunity to contribute to shaping a better future through geoscience. We look forward to welcoming you to Geo4Göttingen 2025!


Jonas Kley & the Geo4Göttingen 2025 organizers



A cordial thank you to





F&U confirm

Permoserstraße 15

04318 Leipzig | Germany

Phone: +49 (0)341 6025 1828

geo4goettingen2025 (at)